Various organizations within the community strive to build character and bring economic growth to the city. Most organizations are volunteer and are always looking for new members and ideas to bring more to our city. If you're looking for a way to get involved with the community, organizations are a great place to start.
Hope Days
The Hope Days Committee throws a town celebration every year in the second week of July, where we attract a multitude of people to our events. Hope Days was established around 1998 as a way for the community to get together and enjoy everything our summers have to offer. Our goal is to independently raise the funds needed to host these events, and to provide fundraising opportunities to local organizations during our celebration. Hope Days is known for event staples like the golf scramble, parade, old time tractor drive, demolition derby and the street dance. We aim to bring family oriented events and live music and entertainment to our small town.
President: Chance Flaten
Vice President: Alek Berg
Secretary/Treasurer: Amber Amundson
Member: Brandon Oxton
Member: Derek Oxton
Member: Ross Braunberger
Member: Mike Amundson
New members and volunteers are always welcome and needed to throw this town celebration. Reach out to a current committee member to learn more and join in the fun!
PO Box 14
Hope, ND 58046
(701) 945-2394
The Hope American Legion puts on Sunday Dinners in the winter months, military funeral services and Memorial Day programs. Additionally, they sponsor Legion Baseball programs, offer Legion rental for events and have internet available to guests.
Regular meeting night is the third Monday of each month.
Legion Rental
Contact: Jeff Juliuson (701) 238-4790
Contact: Cary Fuglestad (701) 840-3027
Legion Officers
Commander: Cary Fuglestad
Vic. Com.: Tim Parkman
Adj. Sec.: Dennis Kubischta
Treasurer: Allen Gunkel
Members: 63
Sons of Legion Officers
Commander: Nick Brendemuhl
Secretary: Dennis Gilbertson
Treasurer: Clark Lemley
Members: 61
American Legion Auxiliary Officers
President: Julie Ellingson
Secretary Treasurer: Susan Lemley
Members: 85
204 Steele Ave
PO Box 123
Hope ND 58046
(701) 945-2373
It is the mission of the Steele County Historical Society to discover, collect, preserve, and share the historical and cultural resources of Steele County and the State of North Dakota. The collections have been donated by the people of the county, and include home, school, church, and lodge furnishings, buggies, sleighs, vintage clothing, quilts, needlework, general store merchandise, newspapers, journals, family histories, photographs, toys, dolls, books, folk art, farm implements, musical instruments, cook stoves, churns, windmills, spinning wheels, looms, and much more.
Open June, July, and August
Monday - Thursday
9 AM to 4 PM
Other times by appointment
Daily Admission: $5 adult, $2 child
Annual Memberships:
$10 – Individual
$25 – Family
$50 – Friend of the SCHS
$100 – Supporter of the SCHS
$500 – Sustainer of the SCHS
$1,200 – Benefactor of the SCHS
President: Lance Hites
Vice President: Larry Butler
Secretary: Gail Hauge
Treasurer: Darci McCullough
Member: Jerry Flickinger
Member: Dennis Lund
Member: Ina Robertson
Member: Steve Meldahl
Member: Del Martin
301 Steele Ave
PO Box 144
Hope, ND 58046
(701) 945-2394
Hope Developement Corporation
The Hope Development Corporation Inc was organized in December 1987. Its purpose is to develop and implement creative community-based strategies to enhance economic opportunity, build strong neighborhoods, foster affordable housing and ensure a dynamic framework for quality growth and development in the City of Hope, North Dakota.
Board of Directors:
Kevin McCullough – President
Keith Ihry – Vice President
Amber Amundson – Secretary
Dawn Flaten – Treasurer
Scott Erickson
Kent Ihry
Peggy Ihry
Contact Info:
Hope Development Corporation
PO Box 63
Hope, ND 58046